Sunday, November 9, 2008


Well, if you follow my facebook page, then you've heard that I'm engaged. If you don't follow my facebook, then add me as your friend...NOW.

Ok, so I picked up the ring from Kay Jewelers on Wednesday Nov 5 on my way home from work. This was the only day that I could go pick it up because Lindsay has worship practice; whereas, on other days I see her as soon as I get home from work.

I was going to ask her to marry me that night, but I realized that Lindsay was going to be very busy that night, so I decided it wouldn't be the best time. But I knew that she would be free Thursday night, so I began making my plans for that day. I cooked her enchiladas Thursday night. This was special, because it is what I made her on our first date.

We ate and cleaned up a little bit. I had the ring in a drawer in my bedroom, so I needed an excuse to go in there grab it. I pretended like I was putting some stuff away into that drawer, and that is when I grabbed the ring.

We sat down on the couch and we were watching TV, but I told Lindsay that I didn't feel like watching TV, so I turned it off. We sat on the couch holding each other for a few minutes, but my heart was pounding, so I knew I needed to pop the question before she noticed my pounding heart.

I told her that I wanted to marry her (which I had told her before, so this didn't tip her off to anything), then I pulled the ring out of my pocket and asked her to marry me. I opened the ringbox and she asked me to put it on her hand. I took it out and put it on her finger.

We are planning on May 23, 2009. We haven't reserved the church yet, but we are so set on this date that I think we'll still get married on 5/23/09 even if we can't get the church.

We have some pictures here: