Friday, May 18, 2012

Wycliffe Words

Every Wednesday I blog about missions. Obviously, today is not Wednesday, but I was too excited about this topic to let it wait another half week. If you're interested in reading my other Missions posts, click here.

Along with missions, there are a few other things that I'm fascinated with: marketing, effective uses of social media, trivia, and the Bible. This week, I have found something that combines all of those interests: Wycliffe Words!

If you're not familiar with Wycliffe, they are one of the leading Evangelical missions-sending agencies. Their primary goal is translating the Bible into languages that have no Bible, but they excel in many other missions roles too.

The Game

Wycliffe Words is an online game that will run until June 12, 2012. The goal is to accumulate as many points as possible by answering Bible trivia questions, checking in each day, recruiting your friends to play along, and connecting your social media accounts. There are several prizes up for grabs, and all of them look pretty sweet.

What makes this different than other Bible trivia games is that each day you are given a Bible passage in another language but, as you correctly answer the trivia questions, you are given a clue to how to translate the foreign passage.

Spreading The Message

The trivia is fun, but what really draws me to this game is the social media components. The purpose of this game is to make more people aware of the ministry of Wycliffe, which will hopefully help attract new donors and prayer partners. One component of the game is to recruit as many new players as possible to play, and this is accomplished by seamless Twitter and Facebook integration.

If you are interested in trying this game, please visit this site: Signing up is very fast, and you can immediately start accumulating points for your own chance at the grand prize (which is a trip for four to Orlando!).

My Thoughts On Wycliffe Words

Wycliffe Words is doing something that many Christian organizations don't do well--embracing technology to spread their message. The focus of this game is making more people aware of missions, but similar techniques could be embraced to spread the message of Christ, aid discipleship, and make Christian education fun and interesting to future generations.

Have you tried out Wycliffe Words? What ways do you think Christians could effectively embrace social and digital media? Does it cheapen anything for you for prizes to be used in ways like this?

Come on, help me out! It'll only take one click to sign up!