Did you know that my name is in the Bible? It's true. However, I hate hearing my name in church, because that means the pastor is doing a series on giving. Here's the passage:
Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you ask, 'How are we robbing you?' "In tithes and offerings.You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me.Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Malachi 3:8-10Giving is always a touchy subject. I'm sure most pastors hate preaching about it and I know most church goers hate hearing about it; however, missionaries rely on financial support to do their ministry. When you consider your financial contribution to church and ministry, there are three kinds of giving you should know about.
Three Kinds of Giving
Tithe = Obedience. The verses above make it clear that our tithe is expected. Other places in the Bible you'll hear this called the "first fruits." This is a farming concept--when you collect your harvest, the first tenth is what was owed to the temple. This is a statement of priority--instead of paying your tithe when you know you're financially able, you pay it before you know if you'll make it or not.
Pledge = Faith. When you commit to make a monthly contribution to a ministry or missionary, that is often called a pledge. The reason it is an act of faith is because people are often challenged to commit to give more than they feel they are able to give. As challenging as it is to make a commitment like this, missionaries, ministries, and non-profits rely on these gifts.
Even though it is an act of faith, you don't immediately have to jump into a huge commitment. Try committing $5 or $10 dollars each month. When you start small, you'll see it takes little sacrifice to fulfill that pledge.
Another situation that comes up is when people feel God touching their hearts to give a large amount. This can be scary, but be obedient. Some of the most exciting stories I've heard in churches are the stories of provision when people give more than they thought they were able to give.
Offering = Personal Priorities. Offerings and pledges are both contributions above and beyond your 10 percent tithe. In cases when a special church offering is being gathered for a special ministry, guest, building program, or project, money given is an offering.
Giving an offering requires you to take money previously budgeted to something else (whether that be a luxury or a essential need) and instead given to that special need. It requires you to assess what you are prioritizing for your spending, and deciding if it's more important than the need at hand--sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. This is between you and God.
Talk To Me
Is giving a challenge or does it come naturally to you? How do you give? What are the best ways for you to plan/budget for it? Has God come through for you in any miraculous ways through your giving?
(Photo credit: Filip Ologeanu)