If you haven’t heard yet, the numbers drawn for March 30 are: 46 - 23 - 38 - 4 - 2. Having your lucky numbers picked means you can own any home, car, or luxury you want and still have money to spare. The phrase “set for life” would be an understatement.
Lottery or no lottery, you’re already incredibly lucky. The fact that you’re reading this means that you probably have a computer, smartphone, or some other access to the Internet. The fact that you’re reading this in English, means that you either have had an incredible education or you live in one of the English-speaking countries of the world, which are among the wealthiest countries. I hope that you have had all you need to eat and drink today and that you have a comfortable place to sleep tonight.
The fact is, if you’re reading this, you’re incredibly lucky.
The Christian Bible has another word for this: Blessed
The Bible says this about blessings:
“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us--so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.... May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him” (Psalms 67:1, 2, 7 NIV).
You’re blessed for a reason.
It’s not karma, luck, a good family, or even hard work. The Psalmist David says that God has not blessed us to draw attention to ourselves, but to draw attention to God. Your blessing is intended to draw your eyes and the eyes of those around you onto the God who provides.
If you are a follower of God, please take time to thank Him for all that you’re blessed with. If you aren’t a religious person, please take the time to think about all of the blessings or “luck” in your life. You are blessed because God blessed you, and He wants to have a relationship with you.
If you want to know more about the God who blessed you, please let me know, I’d be glad to help you learn more.
How are you blessed? What are you thankful for?