Last night I watched a video of Marcus Buckingham, management and research guru, I wish I knew what the video series was called, but it was taken from a leadership and management lecture he did at Willow Creek church.
According to Buckingham, there are three components to having fulfillment at work: competence, focus, and confidence. When you have all three, you are in a work "sweet spot." In other words, a job that you love, are great at, and want to stay at.
Competence comes from the employee. Are you good at your job? Do you enjoy it?
Focus comes from the manager. Do they make their staff or team perform they can be performed? Do they treat their staff like chess pieces or checkers pieces (chess-all the pieces move in different ways, but can all be effective at what they do. checkers-all the pieces are forced to function the same way).
Confidence comes from leadership. Do they make your workplace a good place to be? Do they keep the company competitive? Do they make employees feel secure in their employment?
Are you in a sweet spot? If not, where does that break down? How can you improve yourself to be more competent? How can you encourage management and leadership to build and maintain focus and confidence?