Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Becoming my own roadblock

I like to dream.

Not the kind of dreams that you have at night. I rarely remember those dreams, so I don't waste much of my brainpower contemplating those.

The dreaming that I'm talking about is the optimistic hopes for my life. Some are quite optimistic--running a marathon, getting a Ph.D., or having an upper-management level job are examples of that.

Many of my dreams are more realistic--I guess you could call them goals. Write more often, read more often, get out of debt, exercise more, or lose weight.

Unfortunately, one thing I am great at is putting roadblocks in front of myself.

For example, I really enjoy working out. Every now and then I'll get into a routine of working out and I'll make a purchase. What I buy changes each time; sometimes it's a jump rope, sometimes it is weight-lifting gloves, or sometimes it's a container of protein or supplement. The thing is--whenever I make that purchase, I almost always stop working out the next day.

A more recent example. I wrote in my last blog post that I enjoy reading and that I wanted to blog about books I've read. The problem is that I haven't touched my book since that last blog post.

In each of these cases I've become my own roadblock. What gets in your way of achieving goals? How do you get around the roadblocks you put up for yourself? How do you achieve what you want to achieve?